September 21st, 2021
Hello Driftwood Park PS Families,
We have been very fortunate to start the school year with so many fantastic days of great weather. As the seasons are starting to change we will experience some rainy weather. Our entry procedure to prepare for the wetter weather expected this week will be the same as last year. Students will continue to enter at their normal entrance as they have throughout this school year. Student volunteers will be stationed at the doors and the supervision staff will be stationed inside the school to continue the supervision of students in their classrooms. Bus students in grade 1-6 will enter the school at their regular entry door. Kindergarten bus students will enter via the front door. We ask parents that are walking their children to school to maintain physical distancing from other students outside of your own children and family. As with past practice from previous years we will allow students entry to the school at 8:55am for our rain day start. Students arriving before that time will need to stay outside. The school day start will remain 9:05am and students are welcome to arrive on to the school property as they regularly do on a normal day. We appreciate your cooperation and flexibility as we iron out any wrinkles in our entry system.
Thank you,
Jeff Bumstead
Driftwood Park PS.