Thank You for your support!

Students have been given the following information to give them the opportunity to figure out what was raised through the Pumpkin Contest, organized by the We Club. 7 two dollar coins 36 one dollar coins 709 twenty-five cent coins 1710 ten cent coins 2094 five cent coins AND 1258 pennies? All money raised is being […]

Safe Welcome Program

On Monday, November 3, 2014, our school doors will be locked and access to the school will be controled by an intercom system.

Driftwood Park Parade

On Friday, we will hold our annual parade. Students and staff can wear Black and Orange, or bring a costume to change into at Break. No weapons or masks please.

Thank you to School Council

Another successful event took place on Friday.  Family Movie Night was wonderful!

Movie Night

Bring your whole family and blankets or sleeping bags for a great family night on Friday.

School Council

Join us in the library on Wednesday, October 22, 2014 at 6:30


Grade 5/6, room 15 won the Walk to School Day trophy for October.  91% of the students walked to school on October 8th.

Wednesday October 8, 2014 is International Walk to School Day

Wednesday October 8, 2014 is International Walk to School Day (IWALK Day) and it is important to do our part and walk to school when we can. Since walking to school is healthy, it protects the environment and is fun, Driftwood Park Public School students are invited to join students from across the globe and […]

New to our Website

We now have a ‘Subscribe’ button on the website.  If you use it to subscribe to our school website, you will be notified of any changes or new posts.

Blue and Yellow Sprit Day

Wear Blue and Yellow on Friday for our first sprit day of the year.

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