Driftwood Park Games Night is tonight!

6:30 until 8:00

Student Transportaion 2014-2015

  Your transportation details will be available on August 21, 2014. Parents and students will be able to login and view their transportation details for the next school year. Please Note: any address changes need to be done through your school. If you are moving this summer or change your sitter arrangements for the fall, […]

Hat Spirit Day tomorrow. Wear your favourite!

Thanks to School Council for organizing the Driftwood Park Community Skate night!

Staff Changes

We welcome back Mrs. Fidler (JK/SK) and welcome new staff member, Miss McDonnell (2/3FI, JK/SK, SERT).  We wish Miss Halvorsen, Mrs. Laythorpe and Mr. Chanthalyma success in their new schools.  Our temporary custodian is Mr. Brown.

Wear your favourite team shirt on Friday!

Bus transportation will take place for grade 6 camp at scheduled time

Ski Trip Cancelled. School is open

RISE TO SUCCESS—Supporting Your Child in School

The Board’s Parent Involvement Committee is pleased to hold its second full-day event for families of WRDSB students: RISE TO SUCCESS—Supporting Your Child in School on Saturday, April 12, 2014 at Bluevale C.I. The day’s sessions include a keynote address by Michael Reist, author of What Every Parent Should Know About School, and workshops on […]

Family Day on February 17th. Enjoy!

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